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what is a quiz in Blogger.
A quiz consists of various MCQ (multiple choice questions), a visitor/user attain these questions and answer these question. Nowadays this is very famous to play a quiz online. Do you know you can create a quiz in your google blogger with very simple steps (HTML Quiz code for blogger).
However, in WordPress, this is very simple to create an MCQ quiz because WordPress allows various plugins for creating such MCQ based Website. But in Blogger, it is not easy to create an MCQ Quiz blog in google blogger. because there are some limitations with Blogger. but here I solved your problem for Creating Quiz in Blogger. Now you are going to learn a very interesting thing about MCQ Quiz in Blogger.
Requirements for Creating Quiz in Blogger (HTML Quiz code for blogger)
In Blogger you don’t need to spend money to purchase such plugins, nor a premium WordPress theme. You just have to create a Blogger account and create a Blogger Website in Blogger. so the next step is Creating an MCQ Quiz in it. It is important that you have a huge collection of various Question-answers. let’s start our journey.

HTML Codes for Quiz in Blogger
To create a Quiz, there is no need that you know about HTML or any other programming languages. You Just create it in a very simple manner. Follow these following steps carefully.
1. Copy HTML Codes for Quiz in Blogger that is given in the last section in this post.
2. Add Your Questions,
Edit given codes according to your need.

3. Publish your first Blog Quiz.
Download HTML Quiz Code for Blogger
You are able to download HTML Quiz Code for Blogger through the “DOWNLOAD” button. Download Quiz codes from here and Edit these codes according to your requirements.